5 Reasons Why You Should Switch to Olive Oil Soap
Olive oil soap, also known as Castilian soap, is considered to be one of the oldest types of soap in existence. While the city of Venice is the well-known origin of the earliest white soap factories, olive soap is native to the Spanish region of Castile and may have appeared on the Greek island of Crete. This fantastic soap made its way to the shores of southern France in Marseille sometime after its appearance in Crete and, as the excellent qualities of this soap were shared, and became the soap that is being use today.
Olive oil soap is nothing new, for centuries it was the only way that generations had bathed and was considered no less clean and gentle. After all, today's soap may contain more chemicals than necessary, including a strong detergent. Olive oil soaps are considered more desirable, replacing the familiar fat, which is soap made from animal fats. What is often considered more foam does not mean more cleaning. If you are using regular soap and they are causing rashes and any kind of skin infection, I think is high time you switch to olive oil soap.
Here are the five major reasons why you should switch to olive oil soap:
1 Olive oil soap is gentle on the skin, leaves no streaks and is a wonderful soap to include in your soap recipe collection. There are many formulations and countless variations from which to choose. This type of soap is the perfect formulation for dry and sensitive skin, each skin type will benefit from its soothing and gentle cleansing properties.
2 Olive oil soaps will leave your skin soft and smooth with a healthy glow. You will also smell delicious, as many olive oil soaps are the perfect combination of natural scents that include tangerine, verbena, green tea and lavender. For quality soap, invest in 100% olive oil bars with French ingredients.
In addition to the ingredients, production is important, with triple ground soap at the top of the list. The soaps produced are crystallized and rolled or ground three or more times under a stainless steel roller. This turns the soap into a paste, which is then pressed into molds to form a triple ground soap. The result? Organic soap that is uniform and silky and will last longer than alternative products because it is very thick. The oil contains natural antioxidants.
3 Olive oil soap is a monounsaturated fatty acid. The oil contains alpha-linolenic, linolenic and oleic acid. These ingredients interact with the body's natural chemicals and make prostaglandins which make the skin softer and firmer. Soap containing olive oil is a natural emollient that softens and softens the skin and helps relieve symptoms of psoriasis and eczema.it also contains squalene, which naturally produces skin glands. The squalene and squalene in soap help prevent oxidation of the skin's natural oil, which causes cell breakdown.
4 Olive oil soap also contains hydroxytyrosol, which has anti-inflammatory properties, so it can treat skin rashes as well as minor sores and sunburn. With the obvious benefits of this old skin cleanser, olive oil soap can change your lifestyle. Life becomes a fruitful experience that is expressed through healthy skin.
5 History teaches us that the ancient Greeks bathed in olive oil, and people around the world use olive oil for skin care directly to moisturize their skin and stretch marks. Olives are rich in antioxidants, such as polyphenols; Phenol has antifungal and antibacterial elements, which is very necessary in today's world. With all the pollution and chemicals, not to mention our hectic diet, something so simple and natural is considered essential.
The use of olive oil soap for skin care can be a daily routine. Most of us know or have heard of a wise aunt applying this amazing product to her face every night to look younger. In addition to olive oil soap for skin care, its healthy fats also benefit hair, nails and lips. Contains a high percentage of monounsaturated fats which are healthier than the polyunsaturated fats found in other oils.